A prospective buyer is interested in one of my listings. 他告诉我,他是一名有执照的律师,他会自己准备报价,而不需要2021十大正规彩票app经纪人. He also asked to receive a share of my fee in the transaction. He doesn’t have a broker’s license. Can I pay him?

Yes. A broker can share a fee with a principal, regardless of the principal's profession or license status. However, the broker is not required to do so. 向委托人减免部分经纪费用是经纪人的一项业务决定.

Remember, 经纪人被禁止与在交易中代表一方的律师分享佣金. 在这种情况下,律师需要向他的客户索要报酬.

请记住,如果你决定与你不代表的委托人分享你的费用, you must obtain consent from your client to do so.

一位律师告诉我,她的客户参加了我挂牌的开放日活动,想对这处房产出价. 律师正在为她的客户准备报价,并坚持要我付给她与我在MLS向合作经纪人提供的报价相同的费用. The attorney doesn’t have a broker’s license. 如果她的客户购买该物业,我可以支付她合作费吗?

No. 《2021十大正规彩票app许可证法案》(TRELA)禁止经纪人与任何未在德克萨斯州或任何其他州获得2021十大正规彩票app经纪人或销售人员执照的人分享作为2021十大正规彩票app经纪人的服务收取的费用. (See Section 1101.651, Occupations Code.)如果你向律师支付合作佣金,你将面临纪律处分.

Although attorneys are exempt from the provisions of TRELA (see Section 1101.005, Occupations Code),并获准代表客户进行2021十大正规彩票app交易, 律师必须就这些服务直接向交易中的当事人之一寻求赔偿.

我认识的一位买方经纪人告诉我,他经常与他所代理的买方分享部分费用. Also, 他在交易结束后向买方付款,但没有显示HUD-1结算声明中显示的付款. Isn't that illegal?

《2021十大正规彩票app许可法》不禁止经纪人与委托人分享费用. 然而,任何费用分摊安排都应在HUD-1结算声明中披露.

Sellers and buyers signing the HUD-1 Settlement Statement represent that the settlement statement is a true and accurate statement of all receipts and disbursements made in connection with closing of the transaction. HUD-1和解声明通常包含一个警告,即在其上作出虚假陈述是一种联邦犯罪,可处以罚款或监禁. 参与任何在交易结束后向买家付款的计划的经纪人都可能面临类似的处罚.

Note: REALTORS® advertising or otherwise representing that they will share fees with a party in a transaction must disclose in the ad that the rebate is subject to the consent of the party that the broker represents. Also, if the rebate is contingent upon certain restrictions, such as approval by the lender, 该广告必须包含一项披露,即回扣的支付受到限制.

我是一名经纪人,我最近终止了我的一名代理人的服务,他签署了TAR独立承包商协议. Which fees should he receive upon termination?

You owe him any fees earned before the termination was effective.

The Independent Contractor Agreement for Sales Associate (TAR 2301)概述了经纪人和代理人在终止代理赞助时就赚取的费用享有的权利. According to Paragraph 16C of the contract, 代理人的费用是在经纪人根据适用的经纪服务协议赚取费用的同时赚取的,除非这些费用受到仲裁或诉讼的影响. Each brokerage agreement defines when a broker's fees are earned. 一般来说,经纪人的费用是在合同或租约完全执行时获得的.

第16G和16H段规定,如果潜在客户被重新分配给另一个代理完成交易,应支付给离职代理的费用问题. 双方可以就费用分摊达成其他规则, 但为了防止纠纷,应该签署一份不同的书面协议.